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Justin Jay – The Jaguar

For much of the album artwork I’m assigned, the artist is a new discovery to me.  It’s my first time hearing their work.  But I knew of Justin Jay from his amazing track How Goes the Dynamite? (Full credit to Pop Lokken for putting me on to it!)  I’d listened to it countless times, and could even distinctly recall a moment sitting on the #36 bus wondering how I might have done the artwork for that tune.  So I was fairly tickled to find out I’d be getting the opportunity to do just that for his Culprit release The Jaguar.

It was decreed early on that this would be a driving at sunset in Cali kind of thing.  And from there, it just made itself.  I’m hoping it ties in well with the music, and to get the chance to make a few more Justin Jay covers some day (he is, after all, not to make a big deal about someone who does such great work – only 20 years old.  Good lord).


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